Family Law

Relationship Breakdown

We deliver, in a supportive and empathetic fashion, advice relating to the breakdown of all types of relationships including:-

  • Marriage
  • Civil Partnership
  • Unmarried Couples

As well as guiding you through the procedural elements of legal separation, we will ensure you are fully aware of your financial position upon breakdown of a relationship. Consideration will often need to be given to the following complex topics:-

  • Maintenance provision for you or your former spouse
  • Financial support for children of the relationship
  • Division of assets upon separation (real estate, pensions, shares, cash, etc)

A swift and amicable financial settlement is, of course, preferable but not always possible. Should a satisfactory solution not be immediately achievable we will adopt a robust but conciliatory approach to negotiating with the other party and representing you at court hearings.


Issues involving children are often time critical, sensitive in nature and highly stressful for all involved. A child’s welfare is the primary consideration for the courts of England & Wales in determining how disputes relating to children ought to be resolved and we therefore ensure this priority is reflected in our tailored advice on issues including:-

  • Child arrangement orders (living and parental contact arrangements)
  • Change of name deeds
  • Specific issues (education, holidays, pastimes, medication)
  • Overseas problems (unauthorised travel abroad / abduction / cross-jurisdictional contact)
  • Adoption
  • Guardianship application

Domestic Violence

Whether you are a victim of domestic violence or find yourself accused perpetrating it, we appreciate the associated emotional stress and will diligently deal with the urgent bringing and defending of emergency injunction proceedings on your behalf.

Such proceedings often include:-

  • Non-molestation orders
  • Occupation orders
  • Prohibited steps orders
  • Cross-jurisdictional prevention orders